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Tree Kangaroos Add and Subtract by Tens

Tree Kangaroos Add and Subtract by Tens


The Tree Kangaroo is between 1.6 and 2.13 feet in length, though its tail can be even longer than it is! In order to find the perfect tree to climb, they must make sure it has the perfect number of branches, which sometimes requires adding and subtracting. Because there are so many trees in their natural habitats (Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the far north of Queensland, Australia), they do it very quickly by adding and subtracting by tens!


Through in-class activities and independent practice, students will:

  • Add and subtract multiples of 10 and leftovers between 0 and 200
  • Identify the difference between two addends when that difference is a multiple of 10


    • Day and Time: Wednesdays, 12:45 - 1:45 PM ET
    • Class Duration: 4 Weeks
    • Dates: February 5-26, 2025
    • Recommended for: Ages 6+ / Grades 2-3
    • Teacher: TTK Faculty
    • Required Materials: 


    *Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program. This is a one-time $45 purchase for the entire school year. If you have previously purchased DreamBox, please contact us at

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