Thinking Series: Terms 1-2 Super Pack (Full Year)
Purchase a discounted year (32 weeks) of classes! This includes:
Just the Right Job: Starting the Search (4 weeks)
Case Studies of Ethical Character (6 weeks)
In the story of human history, extraordinary individuals stand out for words and actions, courage, and inner strength. Our current history with the COVID-19 pandemic and the civil unrest brought about by issues of equal justice for all people bring to our attention heroic actions by ethical people. This class will provide the opportunity to see what makes such individuals in various historical moments tick and to deepen our understanding of ethics from critically analyzing what they did and what motivated their actions.
Human history includes your personal history, and you may have a family member or peer who has heroically stood up for others, for a cause, or for you. Classmates will have opportunities to introduce each other to these personal heroes to advance the ethics of us all. Your personal core values will be challenged in your teen years. Here is an opportunity to learn how others have been able to stand firm in their beliefs and apply their stories to our own lives.
The Tools of Argument: How to Think, Argue, and Win (6 weeks)
We empower our TTK students with the skills of expressing their beliefs clearly and concisely. If they are going to argue, we want to be sure they do it well and with good training. We will teach them how to reason with clarity, relevance, and purpose, preparing them to stand up for themselves in controversy, public speak with ease, and debate on a variety of subjects. We will also cover fallacies, especially in the world of marketing. Our class is designed to equip and sharpen young minds in preparation for a complicated and sometimes just plain tricky world.
Building a Life of Character (6 weeks)
This is a study of ethics for older students whose decisions are becoming more challenging and whose core values and choices have significance for the next steps in education and beyond. An important objective here is to create a personal mission statement and improve upon it through personal reflection and writing, discussion with fellow students and the teacher, and studying men and women who have set an example of living a life of character. Join us to wrestle with the kind of self-direction and inner strength that leads to a happy, fulfilling, and significant life.
Joining The Thinker in Paris: Western Philosophy (5 weeks)
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” —Mark Twain
“Philosophy” comes from Greek words meaning “love of wisdom.” Philosophy uses the tools of logic and reason to analyze the ways in which humans experience the world. It teaches critical thinking, close reading, clear writing, and logical analysis; it uses these to understand the language we use to describe the world, and our place within it. Different areas of philosophy are distinguished by the questions they ask. Do our senses accurately describe reality? What makes wrong actions wrong? How should we live? These are philosophical questions, and philosophy teaches the ways in which we might begin to answer them.
Money Talk (5 weeks)Financial literacy is a must for this age group! A financial mistake in the teens is recoverable, however, a financial mistake later in life can be disastrous. And that is why we offer this class. During these three intense weekly classes, children will develop an understanding of financial literacy, a first step to ensuring proper money management skills later in life. Setting a realistic budget, responsibly managing credit and debt, saving for unexpected expenses, and learning how to invest will all be important life skills for every young adult to master. We will have some serious fun as we study this serious subject of managing our money.
- Day and Time: Thursdays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
- Bundle Duration: 32 Weeks
- Dates: September 19, 2024 - May 29, 2025
- No class November 28, December 19, 26, January 2, April 17
- Recommended for: Ages 13+ / Grades 8-9
- Teacher: TTK Faculty
See more thinking series classes:
See more classes for ages 13+ / grades 8-9: