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Thinking Series: Term 1 Super Pack

Thinking Series: Term 1 Super Pack



Purchase a discounted term (16 weeks) of classes! This includes:


Fairy Tales: Learning Valuable Lessons (4 weeks)
Fairy tales allow students to experience life lessons vicariously, learning the value of honesty, integrity, love, and kindness. Fairy tales teach kindness above beauty, love above difference, and good above temptation. Students learn to discern valuable, desirable, and useful qualities and the differences these qualities have as they journey through the personalities and values of these fictional worlds. Join us as we read and discuss fairy tales from around the world!


Animal Encounters Through Art and Music (4 weeks)
What does a dog bark look like? What does an elephant sound like? Journeying with composers, artists, and animals, students discover how people throughout the ages perceived animals differently and how they decided to express their own ideas of animals through art and music. With a world teeming with thousands of different mindsets, personalities, and cultures, it’s easy to see how one animal or species can be interpreted in dozens of ways. How did the composers do it? How did the artists do it? Students join in an audible and visual field trip to discover the awesome ways artists and composers have told us about their animal encounters.


Heroes and Heroines from Foreign Lands (4 weeks)
This class will teach you about heroes and heroines from throughout history and around the world. Heroes and heroines come from all around the world and are respected for many different reasons. A hero or heroine can fight for peace, discover new medicines, or even open the eyes of others to things that were previously unknown. But, most importantly, whatever they do, they never give up!


It is essential to remember that heroes can come from anywhere, not just the places we know best. Because of this, we will be studying heroes from everywhere from Poland, to India, to Australia, to South Africa. Join us as we take a close look at the story of remarkable people like Indira Gandhi, Usain Bolt, Dashrath Manjhi, Wangari Maathai, Florence Nightingale, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Nelson Mandela, Louis Pasteur, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Steve Irwin.


What-Ifs in Wonderland I (4 weeks)

Come join us for a group adventure with Paddington, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, Beauty and the Beast, and many more friends! Every class will help students solve problems, make arts and crafts projects (inspired by the books and movies), come up with new plot twists, and solve riddles.


Students will:

  • Learn to identify features of objects,
  • Learn to classify and evaluate them,
  • Understand their functions,
  • Understand the relativity of shape and size,
  • Highlight the positive and negative sides in natural phenomena, objects, and situations,
  • Learn about cause and effect,
  • Predict what might happen in a given situation when putting ideas into action,
  • Practice considering alternating outcomes,
  • Use resources from the immediate environment to solve problems and compose stories,
  • and Develop their imaginative skills and divergent thinking.


  • Day and Time: Wednesdays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 16 Weeks
  • Dates: September 18, 2024 - January 29, 2025
    • No class November 27, December 18, 25, January 1
  • Recommended for: Ages 6+ / Grades 2-3
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty


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See more classes for ages 6+ / grades 2-3:

    Our mission is to enrich young minds with unwavering values, global awareness, and clear communication skills through a creative academic experience.

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