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Thinking Series: Term 1 Super Pack

Thinking Series: Term 1 Super Pack


Purchase a discounted term (16 weeks) of classes! This includes:


The Art of Public Speaking (4 weeks)
Communication is the backbone of any society. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. While some children take to it naturally, others tend to be more fearful of standing and talking in front of a crowd.


Your child will be coached on their enunciation, facial expression, hand movements, and overall delivery. In addition to developing improved communication skills, your child’s self-esteem will be strengthened, their planning skills will be enhanced, and their power of persuasion will be enhanced, all of which will aid them on their path to becoming a great leader.

Ethics 1: Making Good Decisions from the Head and Heart (5 weeks)
"Good decision or bad decision?" Our daughter-in-law asks this question of our little grandson when he gets in trouble for something that he has done or said. Ethics is a more mature way of discussing right or wrong and making difficult decisions.  Dr. Greg introduces ethics in this class and encourages everyone to join in the discussion.  Ethics is critically important to all ages and in every part of life, from family to education to work. Join in the dialog!

Social Media Mastery (3 weeks)

Knowing how to manage social media use is essential; we must teach our children to protect themselves in the virtual world. During this class, we will help our students work out the following:


  • How they want to behave and be treated by other people online;
  • An understanding of the risks involved in using social media – for example, risks like being tagged in an embarrassing photo taken at a party;
  • An understanding of the dangers involved in sharing content and personal information – this includes not only content that your child shares but also images of your child that other people share, or posts and images that others tag your child to;
  • How to navigate the risks – for example, if your child posts an identifiable image of herself, she can reduce risk by not including any other personal information;
  • Knowing what to do if people ask for personal details, are mean or abusive online, post embarrassing photos of them, or share information that links back to them;
  • How to manage their own digital footprint – for example,  we will discuss what your child would like their digital footprint to say about them now and in the future.


What Color Is Your Parachute? Choosing Careers (4 weeks)
In this class, students will begin the long journey of answering the age-old question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?". Using What Color Is Your Parachute? as a guide, students will explore their personal interests and strengths, as well as their disinterests and weaknesses. Students will explore a variety of career paths together to decide what career they would like to pursue. Marine biologist? Graphic designer? Dentist? Astronaut? The sky's the limit!


  • Day and Time: Mondays, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 16 Weeks
  • Dates: September 16, 2024 - January 27, 2025
    • No class November 25, December 16, 23, 30
  • Recommended for: Ages 11+ / Grades 6-7
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty


See more thinking series classes:

See more classes for ages 11+ / grades 6-7:

    Our mission is to enrich young minds with unwavering values, global awareness, and clear communication skills through a creative academic experience.

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    reaching out to help students around the globe
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