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Math: Terms 1-2 Super Pack (Full Year)

Math: Terms 1-2 Super Pack (Full Year)


Purchase a discounted year (32 weeks) of classes! This includes:


Blue Whales Work Sums & Strategies (4 weeks)

Blue whales are the largest animals we know to have ever lived on Earth—they can get as long as 100 feet! They can weigh as much as 30 elephants together and are unusually loud. Let's work on sums and strategies as we solidify our addition and subtraction skills with positive and negative numbers (and a blue whale or two).


Through in-class activities and independent practice, students will:

  • Gain fluency with addition of integers by choosing two numbers to sum to a target value
  • Add and subtract positive and negative whole numbers on a number line using their own strategies
  • Choose efficient strategies for solving addition problems with decimals to the tenths and hundredths
  • Choose efficient strategies for solving subtraction problems with decimals to the tenths and hundredths
  • Add integers between -10 and 10
  • Subtract integers between -10 and 10

Swift Foxes Fix Fractions and Decimals (4 weeks)

Sometimes, it's hard to fix fractions and decimals because they are so small (and fall apart so fast!), so we have to employ swift foxes. The swift fox is the smallest of the wild dogs in North America (about the size of a domestic cat) and they can run up to 37 mph (60 kph). Time to fix some fractions and decimals, and be quick about it, too!


  • Add and subtract positive and negative decimal numbers on a number line using their own strategies
  • Gain fluency with addition of rational numbers by choosing two numbers to sum to a target value
  • Round numbers to the ones and tenths place and compare rational numbers


Marine Iguanas Manipulate Variables and Decimals (4 weeks)

Marine iguanas are endemic to the Galapagos Islands and are the only marine lizard species in the world. These iguanas can voluntarily stop their hearts for up to 45 minutes to deter nearby sharks. While their hearts are stopped, they practice multiplying and dividing variables and decimals. 


  • Multiply expressions with one or two variables using an array as a model
  • Divide up to a four-digit number by a two-digit number using the standard algorithm, also known as "long division"
  • Solve a division problem with decimals using the standard algorithm, also known as "long division"


Red Pandas Read Word Problems (4 weeks)

Red pandas like eating bamboo and sweet food, and love spending most of their time eating and sleeping. All things considered, they don't really like learning things that don't apply to them. So they learn math through word problems! Word problems help us learn math skills in an applicable fashion. In this class, we're covering a comprehensive review of previously learned math skills with a focus on strengthening weaker areas. Let's do some word problems and review our math skills!


  • Review all previously learned math skills and fix weaker areas (see above)

Ratios and Proportions with Sumatran Rhinos (4 weeks)

Not all rhinos have two horns, only white rhinos, black rhinos, and Sumatran rhinos do. Why do they have horns? Rhinos use their horns to defend themselves against predators and challenge other rhinos. That's the point! To find out how many challenges they are winning out of all the challenges they do, they have to be masters of ratios and proportions.


  • Calculate percentages and solve equations with percents of whole numbers
  • Use scale factors to generate equivalent ratios in measurement situations (e.g., miles, meters, cups, gallons, rates, etc.)
  • Generate equivalent ratios with fractions and use ratios to divide fractions

Ganges River Dolphins Do Geometry (4 weeks)

Ganges river dolphins can only live in freshwater and are essentially blind. They hunt with ultrasonic sounds, which bounce off of fish and other prey. In order to find their prey, they must know geometry very well. Can you help them out?


  • Enter radii with angle measurements and explore vertical angles
  • Use a Cartesian coordinate grid to locate points and measure distances between points
  • Create symmetrical shapes on a coordinate grid using a line of symmetry
  • Represent linear relationships by translating x-y tables to graphs and translating graphs to x-y tables
  • Locate points expressed as fractions and decimals to the tenths place by scaling the Cartesian coordinate plane


Expressions and Equations with Sri Lankan Elephants (4 weeks)

As herbivores, Sri Lankan elephants mainly eat grasses, leaves, shoots, barks, fruits, nuts, seeds, and other vegetation. In order to make sure they're eating the right amount each day, they need to do a lot of math—it takes a lot of food to feed an elephant that weighs upwards of 12,000 pounds!


  • Use the order of operations to evaluate expressions involving exponents
  • Fluently simplify expressions involving exponents
  • Fluently simplify multi-step expressions
  • Compare integers from -10 to 10 using a number line
  • Round integers to the tens place and compare integer values


Finless Porpoises Finish Word Problems First (4 weeks)

Why are finless porpoises called finless? They don't have dorsal fins! Instead of a dorsal fin, there is a small ridge on their backs that starts just behind their blowhole and extends as far as the tail flukes. They're so good at word problems that they always finish first. Unless—and it could happen!—you get better than them.


Through in-class activities and independent practice of word problems, students will review:

  • All weaker math skills (individualized by student)


  • Day and Time: Mondays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 32 Weeks
  • Dates: September 16, 2024 - May 26, 2025
    • No class on the following dats:
      • November 25 (Thanksgiving Break) 
      • December 16, 23, 30 (Christmas Break)
      • April 14 (Spring Break) 
  • Recommended for: Ages 11+ / Grades 6-7
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty 
  • Required Materials: 
    • DreamBox math app (included in purchase)*


*There is an included additional $45 charge for DreamBox, which is a one-time purchase for the entire school year. Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program. If you have previously purchased DreamBox, please contact us at

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