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Math: Term 1 Super Pack

Math: Term 1 Super Pack



Purchase a discounted term (16 weeks) of classes! This includes:

Cross River Gorillas Can Count (4 weeks)

Join us and the Cross River Gorillas as we explore counting! 


Through in-class activities and independent practice, students will:

  • Review number identification 0-100
  • Review basic addition and subtraction up to 20
  • Use numerals to make as many groups of equivalent expressions as possible
  • Determine whether a statement is true, false, greater than, less than, equal, or not equal
  • Place numbers up to 500 on hundreds charts and number lines

Skipping with Sei Whales (4 weeks)

Did you know that Sei Whales can live for up to 70 years in the wild? It must be because they're good at skipping. 


Through in-class activities and independent practice, students will:

  • Place numbers up to 1000s on a hundreds chart
  • Compare numbers up to 500 using the comparison symbols < and >, with special attention to the placement of zeroes and digit reversals.
  • Use groups of tens and ones to total up to 100
  • Use groups of fives to total up to 100


Pangolins Know Place Values (4 weeks)

Why do Pangolins know place values so well? Well, they are the only mammal in the world to be covered from head to toe in keratin scales (the same as human fingernails). All of these scales are placed just so, so they have a notebook to keep track of which ones are where. They happen to be very good at number place values, too. 


Through in-class activities and independent practice, students will:

  • Use groups of hundreds, tens, and ones to build and pack amounts of objects and determine totals up to 1,000


Addition, Subtraction, and Saolas (4 weeks)

Start learning and drilling your addition and subtraction skills with Saolas, otherwise known as Asian unicorns (because of the two parallel horns on their head!).


Through in-class activities and independent practice, students will:

  • Add and subtract  (or 3 to 9) to and from numbers between 0 and 200
  • Group numbers into tens and multiples of 10 when adding up to 12 addends


  • Day and Time: Wednesdays, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 16 Weeks
  • Dates: September 18, 2024 - January 29, 2025
    • No class on the following dates:
      • November 27 (Thanksgiving Break)
      • December 18, 25, January 1 (Christmas Break)
  • Recommended for: Ages 6+ / Grades 2-3
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty
  • Required Materials: 


*Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program. This is a one-time $45 purchase for the entire school year. If you have previously purchased DreamBox, please contact us at

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