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Math Super Pack: Terms 1-2

Math Super Pack: Terms 1-2


Purchase an entire year (32 weeks) of math classes for only $10/session!* This includes:


Multiply and Divide with Eastern Lowland Gorillas (4 weeks)

Being the largest of the four gorilla subspecies, it might be hard to believe that the Eastern Lowland Gorilla’s diet consists mainly of fruit and other plants. If that’s hard to believe, this is going to be even harder: they can multiply and divide.


  • Students choose friendly equations (partial quotients) and the distributive property to solve multi-digit division problems within 10,000 and interpret remainders
  • Students use the distributive property to solve multiplication problems within 100,000

Black Rhinos: Beyond Times Tables (4 weeks)

It’s easy to identify black rhinos by their hooked upper lip, smaller size, and the fact that they know times tables really well.


  • Students use the standard multiplication algorithm and estimation strategies to solve multiplication problems involving up to four digits by two-digit numbers
  • Students multiply by friendly numbers greater than 20
  • Students multiply by landmark and near-landmark numbers greater than 20


Decimal & Fraction Equivalents I with African Savanna Elephants (4 weeks)

African Savanna Elephants caught wind about decimal and fraction equivalents. Now they practice decimal & fraction equivalents while they graze on grasses. 


  • Students multiply and divide decimal numbers expressed to the hundredths place using ratios and a unit price context
  • Students estimate decimal products and quotients, then put the decimal point in the correct place value location of those products and quotients
  • Students generate equivalent fractions and find scaling factors using a table
  • Students add fractions with like denominators using blocks as a model


Hector's Dolphin Does Fraction & Decimal Equivalents II (4 weeks)

We don’t see a lot of Hector’s Dolphins because they tend to spend a lot of time working on their fraction & decimal equivalents, especially after hearing about how much the African Savanna Elephants know.


  • Students subtract fractions with like denominators using blocks as a model for the removal strategy
  • Students multiply two fractions together and use an area model to represent the product
  • Students divide fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions using a fair-sharing context
  • Students represent equivalent fractions and use proportional reasoning on a double number line


Finish Fractions and Decimals with Western Lowland Gorillas (4 weeks)

The Western Lowland Gorilla, or gorilla gorilla gorilla, is the smallest of the four gorilla subspecies, so they love fractions and decimals. Fractions and decimals are small numbers, just like how western lowland gorillas are small gorillas.


  • Students add and subtract positive decimal numbers on a number line using their own strategies
  • Students locate positive and negative rational numbers on a number line by scaling the number line by powers of ten
  • Students multiply decimal numbers up to the thousandths place using an array as a model
  • Students round numbers to the ones and tenths place and compare fractions and decimals
  • Students round numbers to the ones and tenths place and estimate the sums of decimals and fractions
  • Students develop fluency with addition & subtraction of fractions & decimals by choosing two numbers that have a target sum

Indian Elephants Know Angles (4 weeks)

While reaching for plants to eat, Indian Elephants practice their angles: 360° to a circle, 180° is flat, 90° is a right angle. After eating their 330 lbs of vegetation for the day, they take a good long nap and do it all over again.


  • Students compose angles through addition and subtraction of angle measurements
  • Students represent hierarchical relationships as they classify polygons, including different types of triangles and quadrilaterals


Sea Lions Start the Order of Operations (4 weeks)

Sea lions roar to brag about how good they are at the order of operations. If we could understand them, they would tell us how to do the order of operations as well as they can.


  • Students use the order of operations to evaluate expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Students fluently simplify expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division


Olive Ridley Turtles: Order of Operations II (4 weeks)

Olive ridley sea turtles are amazing animals, which explains how they’re so good at the order of operations. 


  • Students fluently simplify expressions involving parentheses
  • Students evaluate expressions involving parentheses using the order of operations
  • Students simplify and evaluate expressions involving variables


  • Day and Time: Tuesdays, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 32 Weeks
  • Dates: September 12, 2023 - May 28, 2024
    • No class November 21, December 12, 19, 26, January 2, March 26
  • Recommended for: Ages 9+ / Grades 4-5
  • Teacher: Carolina Velez
  • Required Materials: DreamBox math app*


See more math classes:


*There is an included additional $45 charge for DreamBox, which is a one-time purchase for the entire school yearIf you have previously paid for DreamBox through another product, please contact us. The $45 DreamBox charge gives your student access to class assignments.


Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program. 


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