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Language Arts: Terms 1-2 Super Pack (Full Year)

Language Arts: Terms 1-2 Super Pack (Full Year)


Purchase a discounted year (32 weeks) of classes! This includes:


Proving a Point: Persuasive Writing (8 weeks)

Leaders are defined by their ability to understand a situation and take a stand on it with confidence and clarity. Students take the role of leaders when they tackle a question of choice. Students navigate the five-step writing process, using it as a tool rather than a guide, and challenging themselves to revise and refine their arguments.


Week 1 - Examples of persuasive works; brainstorming; topic research for first paper.

Week 2 - Researching; citation and quote work; outlining; group workshops.

Week 3 - Check-up and revision; research integration.

Week 4 - Revision; brainstorming for second argumentative paper. 

Week 5 - Workshop question and background portions; one-on-one meetings. 

Week 6 - Workshop answer portion; group meetings.

Week 7 - Check-up; revision of second paper; presentation methods.

Week 8 - Presentations; game review.


The Rhymes Between the Lines: Understanding Poetry (8 weeks)

Poetry pulses the emotion and unspoken moments of human life. Used expertly to convey joy, grief, and goofiness, poetry lives as a testament of understanding and expression. With Ms. Bonney, author of the poetry collection Orange Blossoms, students explore the intricacies of poetry and strive to mimic the patterns and symbolism of famous works. Through interaction and practice with poetry, students gain confidence with words and find their own method of literary expression.


Tricky Situations and Solid Solutions: Research Paper (8 weeks)

The leaders of tomorrow are the students of today: can they work through problems and present thoughtful, inclusive solutions? Thinking through a situation takes time, patience, and a critical view of information. Students tackle real, original questions and present solutions to the problems of today through thoughtful and thorough research.


Week 1 - Examples of research pieces; brainstorming; topic research for first paper.

Week 2 - Researching and arguments; citation and quote work; outlining; group workshops.

Week 3 - Check-up and revision; research synthesizing.

Week 4 - Revision; brainstorming for second paper. 

Week 5 - Workshop question and background portions; one-on-one meetings. 

Week 6 - Workshop answer portion; group meetings.

Week 7 - Check-up; revision of second paper; oral defense discussion.

Week 8 - Oral defense; game review.


There’s a Gorilla in the Living Room: Creative Writing (8 weeks)

“Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.” - C.S. Lewis


Through reading, we experience the accomplishments, hardships, and adventures of others. Through writing, we learn to embody the human experience and take ourselves beyond what we know to be real. Language teaches us who we are and inspires who we can become. Students explore new, challenging worlds of their own creation, imagine thousands upon thousands of fictional possibilities, and mold characters with dynamic personalities and simple quirks. Armed with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, full of fascinating characters and odd situations, students examine the elements of memorable stories and characters, and prepare to create their own.


  • Day and Time: Wednesdays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 32 Weeks
  • Dates: September 18, 2024 - May 28, 2025
    • No class
      • November 27 (Thanksgiving Break)
      • December 18, 25, January 1 (Christmas Break)
      • April 16 (Spring Break) 
  • Recommended for: Ages 11+ / Grades 6-7
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty


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