Finish Fractions and Decimals with Western Lowland Gorillas
Did you know the scientific name of the Western Lowland Gorilla is gorilla gorilla gorilla? It is. There’s a lot one might not know about western lowland gorillas. They are the smallest of the four gorilla subspecies, so they love fractions and decimals. Fractions and decimals are small numbers, just like how western lowland gorillas are small gorillas.
- Students add and subtract positive decimal numbers on a number line using their own strategies
- Students locate positive and negative rational numbers on a number line by scaling the number line by powers of ten
- Students multiply decimal numbers up to the thousandths place using an array as a model
- Students round numbers to the ones and tenths place and compare fractions and decimals
- Students round numbers to the ones and tenths place and estimate the sums of decimals and fractions
- Students develop fluency with addition & subtraction of fractions & decimals by choosing two numbers that have a target sum
- Recommended for: Ages 9+ / Grades 4-5
- Teacher: Carolina Velez
- Day and Time: Tuesdays, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
- Class Duration: 4 classes
- Dates: February 6 - 27, 2024
- Required Materials: DreamBox* math app
*There is an included additional $45 charge for DreamBox, which is a one-time purchase for the entire school year. If you have previously paid the $45 charge for DreamBox through another product, please contact us. The $45 DreamBox charge gives your student access to class assignments through DreamBox.
Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program.