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Evolution of a Product: Third World Studies

Evolution of a Product: Third World Studies


“Understanding languages and other cultures builds bridges. It is the fastest way to bring the world closer together and to Truth. Through understanding, people will be able to see their similarities before differences.” —Suzy Kassem


When we shop, do we think about where a product comes from? Where was it produced? In a factory in Thailand, China, or Malaysia? And how do the people in that country live? How much money do they survive on, what do they eat, and what are their educational opportunities? Truly, our eyes will be opened and our understanding deepened for other cultures as we delve into the evolution of products we find at our local stores. We may carry it home, but it has probably already traveled halfway around the world. Let’s trace its evolution together!


  • Day and Time: Fridays, 12:45 - 1:45 PM ET
  • Class Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Dates: November 15, 2024 - January 31, 2025
    • No class on the following dates:
      • November 29 (Thanksgiving Break) 
      • December 20, 27, January 3 (Christmas Break) 
  • Recommended for: Ages 11+ / Grades 6-7 & Ages 13+ / Grades 8-9
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty
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