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Animal Encounters Through Art and Music

Animal Encounters Through Art and Music


"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." —Twyla Tharp


What does a dog bark look like? What does an elephant sound like? Journeying with composers, artists, and animals, students discover how people throughout the ages perceived animals differently and how they decided to express their own ideas of animals through art and music. With a world teeming with thousands of different mindsets, personalities, and cultures, it’s easy to see how one animal or species can be interpreted in dozens of ways. How did the composers do it? How did the artists do it? Students join in an audible and visual field trip to discover the awesome ways artists and composers have told us about their animal encounters.

  • Day and Time: Wednesdays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
  • Class Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Dates: October 16, 2024 - November 6, 2024
  • Recommended for: Ages 6+ / Grades 2-3
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty

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    Our mission is to enrich young minds with unwavering values, global awareness, and clear communication skills through a creative academic experience.

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