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Addition Fluency with African Wild Dogs

Addition Fluency with African Wild Dogs


When it comes to African Wild Dogs, addition is essential. This is because they have red, black, brown, yellow, and white patches of fur—and no two dogs have the same markings. If they want to remember what their friends look like, they have to remember exactly how many patches they have, and what colors. Let’s get adding!


  • Students develop fluency with addition and subtraction of whole numbers by choosing two numbers with a target sum
  • Students round numbers to the tens place and estimate the sums of integers


  • Recommended for: Ages 6+ / Grades 2-3
  • Instructor: Carolina Velez
  • Day and Time: Mondays, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
  • Class Duration: 4 classes
  • Dates: October 9 - 30, 2023
  • Required Materials: DreamBox*


*Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program. This is a one-time $45 purchase for the entire school year. If you have previously purchased DreamBox, please contact us at

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